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Understanding Relationship Trauma for Women in Benicia and Vallejo, CA

woman dealing with stress or anxiety

What is Relationship Trauma?

Interpersonal Trauma, or Relationship Trauma is harm or abuse caused by other people within relationships or social interactions - both intentionally and unintentionally. 


It can occur at any age but often starts during childhood and, many of us experience multiple interpersonal and other types of traumas throughout our lifespan. The more well-known or acknowledged forms of interpersonal trauma are physical and sexual abuse or bullying.


But, people can also experience trauma from betrayal, criticism, rejection, gaslighting, humiliation, racism, stonewalling, abandonment, or even when caregivers do not adequately respond to emotional needs.

Effects of Relationship Trauma

​Relationship Trauma can be so subtle that many people live their lives unconsciously traumatized yet believing that they have not experienced trauma. This is especially true when the source of the trauma was caused by a valued loved one.


This often leads to shame, guilt, anxiety, negative self-talk, perfectionism, depression, low self-esteem, self-blame, emotional dysregulation, difficulty trusting others and repeatedly engaging in abusive or unhealthy relationships.

woman needing anxiety or trauma counseling
Simone Adkins therapist

Why Relationship Trauma Counseling?

I chose to specialize in treating relationship trauma because of:


  • How common it is - particularly for women

  • How it can significantly affect so many areas of our lives

  • How often it goes overlooked and undetected


Despite all of this, healing and wholeness can be your reality.


I'm here for you to:


1) Help you recognize how harmful relationships and social interactions harmed or limited you.

2) Support you with healing and creating a grounded and trusting relationship with yourself.


As a result, you can be empowered to create and engage in relationships with others with more safety and authenticity.



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